John Suwan Viewpoint

John Suwan Viewpoint Koh Tao

There are several viewpoints in Koh Tao, but none compare to the famous John Suwan Viewpoint.

When I had originally researched the trek, it had been referred to as a “strenuous jungle trail” in the southernmost tip of the island.

I had climbed a volcano in Indonesia a few years ago, so I figured a 15-minute hike couldn’t possibly be that big of a deal.

Suffice it to say I was sorely mistaken.

But despite the steep uphill climb through jagged rocks and bug-infested trees, it was all worth it when we got to the top.

Koh Tao Viewpoint

We were rewarded with breathtaking views of the island, something everyone visiting Koh Tao should get to experience.

Here’s everything you need to know about the John Suwan Viewpoint in Koh Tao.

When to go

The earlier you go, the less crowded John Suwan Viewpoint will be.

We went at 9:30am and we only saw five other people along the way. It usually gets crowded after 11am and extremely crowded during sunset.

You also want to avoid crowds because the viewpoint is basically a bunch of enormous rocks you have to climb, and I have no idea how more than a handful of people can stand there at the same time.

It was tight enough as it is, and we were only two.

What to bring

Even though it’s a short hike through the jungle, you’ll still need some basics to help make your climb more enjoyable.

My main recommendation is to wear running shoes. Do NOT wear flip flops unless you want to be miserable.

We saw a couple of people wearing flip flops and they seemed to be struggling a lot more than necessary.

You should also bring a bottle of water with you because you’ll be drenched in sweat and dehydrated by the time you make it to the top.

There were literally droplets of sweat running down my legs, which I guess is normal when you’re trekking through a tropical jungle.

Koh Tao hike viewpoint

I recommend carrying your water bottle in a backpack because you’ll need both hands when climbing.

And since you’re bringing a backpack, might as well bring a small towel to soak up your sweat.

You should also pack your beachwear since beautiful Freedom Beach is right next to John Suwan Viewpoint. Trust me, you’ll want to go for a dip after the hike.

The hike

Google wasn’t lying when it referred to the John Suwan Viewpoint hike as “strenuous.”

You’ll be climbing uphill through enormous rocks, tiny passages, trees, bushes, and mud.

John Suwan Viewpoint hike

Oh, and did I mention the mosquitos?

Yeah, they’re assholes, and they will shamelessly feast on your sweaty flesh. So wear as much bug spray as you possibly can.

The good news is the hike is short-lived, and there are ropes scattered along the way to help you up.

The John Suwan viewpoint

Once you make it to the top, you’ll have to climb giant rocks for the best views.

You’ll think to yourself “am I in the right place?” – and the answer is yes.

Be careful not to bump your head on the thick tree branch when you reach the top of the rocks.

I did… twice.

Koh Tao viewpoint john suwan

You can now relax and enjoy the gorgeous views overlooking the southern tip of Koh Tao.

Take as many pictures as you can – it’s probably the most beautiful scenery you’ll capture on the island.

The way down

Whatever you do, do not go left on your way down.

Go back exactly the way you came up, meaning you’ll have to hang right.

My sense of direction is non-existent, and for some reason my husband let me take the lead without questioning me.

Well, we got lost. Like really lost.

We ended up on the opposite side of the mountain, with numerous scratches and what felt like hundreds of mosquito bites.

I started to panic and thought what a terrible tragedy it would be to die in this tropical jungle on our honeymoon.

Thankfully, we were able to use Google maps to trace our steps back to the John Suwan Viewpoint (the trail isn’t mapped out, but the viewpoint is pinned).

John Suwan viewpoint google maps

We were flooded with relief when we made it back. We realized the mistake we had made by going left instead of right.

But don’t let this tale put you off.

The hike is totally worth it, offering the most spectacular views of the island (as you can see from my pictures).

As long as you take the right path down, you’ll be fine. Good luck and enjoy the views!